Health Care Services, to succeed, begin with a Para-Medical and with a para-Medic.
Health Care Services, to succeed, begin with a Para-Medical and with a para-Medic.
Health Care Services in India has grown by leaps & bounds. State of Art Hospitals and Technology has been inducted in Health Care in recent times. Advanced machines, supporting diagnostics, are in vogue.
Yet, with all this rapid growth, Health Care Services is lacking penetration. Dissemination of highly skilled manpower to the corners of the country has been tried with incentives and through mandatory situations, yet there is dearth of quality Health Care at places they are most required.
During my long professional experience I have noticed distinctly that the situation is not really picking up. Health Care Services, to succeed, begin with a Para-Medical and end with a para-Medic, a well - known but less appreciated fact. It is a rule of thumb that for every Doctor there must be support of three Para-Medics. Situation is just the reverse! A Pare-Medic is the backbone of the Health Care System. His absence creates a vacuum& gives rise to the black hole concept.
I must don the attire of Para-Medics' Educator and Producer as this enables me to discharge Social Obligations to my worthy Profession. I am convinced that only when sufficient Para-Medics are present to support the formidable Health 'Care-force of our country, only then our Health Care System will get the best fillip.
Setting up Ayushman College for Para-Medical Courses is my service to the community that trusts me their life in my hands a
With the Best of the Wishes,
(Dr. Niraj Kumar)