In its sprawling campus the building has more than 38,000 sq.ft constructed area in five working floors.
In its sprawling campus the building has more than 38,000 sq.ft constructed area in five working floors.
Ayushman College was established in the year 2002 and as a result of its quest for excellence, got upgraded to a Post Graduate College in the year 2008.
In its sprawling campus the building has more than 38,000 sq.ft constructed area in five working floors.
More than 7000 sq.ft area is dedicated to the Department of Physiotherapy. The Department of Physiotherapy has health gymnasium, exercise therapy unit, gait training school, walking floors, specially designed hydrotherapy unit, cerebral palsy unit, steam bath, whirl pool, faculty chambers, demonstration areas and separate cubicles for different modalities and hi-tech equipments.
The building has well equipped Medical Laboratory Technology Department with teaching laboratories, museums and demonstration rooms for students of various lab technology courses.
We have teaching Kitchen, food lab and demonstration chambers with most modern cooking equipments for therapeutic as well as family meal management study.
There is separate Library block having reading rooms, reference section, periodicals and journals section, Computer lab with internet facility and Wi Fi for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Large ventilated and tile floored class rooms with plenty of natural day light and air provide comfortable atmosphere for teaching.The campus has air conditioned seminar rooms, P.G.Rooms, girls common room, recreation room and adequate area for sports activities to ensure overall development of students.
Air conditioned seminar rooms, P.G.Rooms Girls common room and adequate place for sports activities will ensure overall development of students.